Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's all fun and games until...

Yesterday was probably one of the most interesting days I've had in the grocery business, ever. By interesting I mean disgusting, annoying, and down right dirty.

Just to give you a visual:
We just hired 2 MALE cashiers (we have never had boys before) and I was trying to keep a keen eye on their every move. Lord knows, a teenager handling money is scary. They will just grab bills out of the drawer and hand it to the customer without counting it back to them... EEEKK!

We were super busy, then died... so we let a few girls go except for 2 male cashiers, me, my CSM, a girl I was training in the office, and a bagger. Not to mention these 2 boys had never been on a register prior to yesterday, brand newbies! Even though they did really well, they are still slow as Christmas- searching for 10 seconds to find the barcodes and asking me what random produce items are called (i.e. celery, green onion, zucchini).

We started to get busy around 9:45pm (we close at 10pm). It's the first week of the month so you know what kind of orders we had... HUGE food stamp buggies! Filled to the rim with items like: canned meat, banquet frozen dinners, taquitos and ribeyes. I start to panic a little.

The drunks roll in... I'm assuming they are "family" and share a food stamp card (happens all the time), but they had like 2 mart carts and 3 other buggies filled with random garb. Annoying.

This random woman walks in the door right before 10 and asks me "since I'm already here now, can I still shop after you close?" I have no idea what gives people the right to think just because they are "in the door" before 10pm that we are going to wait on their ass to finish shopping. No. It doesn't work that way people. I told her we would give her til about 5 after 10, then she had to get the heck outta dodge. 10:20 rolls around and she's still in there, piddling through the yogurt section. We made an announcement and she came rolling up. She made me check on a price for her when she got to the check-out. When I got back, I notice a huge pile of unidentified liquid underneath her buggy and I screamed "WHERE DID ALL THIS LIQUID COME FROM?" No one says a word... "NO REALLY Y'ALL, THERE'S LIKE A LOT OF LIQUID DOWN HERE!"  My manager (who was bagging) gave me the sign to STFU and pointed to the lady's pants. By god if her pants weren't sopping wet. She wet herself in the check-out line. And didn't even act like she knew it happened! Not to mention she smelled (before she peed) and was completely a trademark of the town's finest backwoodsman. If she was old, I maybe would understand... maybe. But she wasn't old enough to give her the right of passage to pee herself in the grocery store. We had already mopped the floor, so the bagger had to get the mop machine and do it again.

The funniest part about this story is, when the cashier left his first day of work, he said "man I really don't like closing!"
Wonder if he'll come back for day 2?...

EDIT: He came back for day 2... life is good.

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