Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A few updates

Peligro situation at work:
Today we had a CSM meeting at my store. Every customer service manager in the district was there today along with our district manager and his assistant. Our maintenance man was also there (due to the 4 work orders we've put in for our air conditioning in the past week). Around 3ish we get news that a sink has fallen in the women's bathroom. Thankfully, no one was hurt. A 'little' girl was simply just washing her hands as the sink collapsed. But before she washed her hands and the sink fell, she slipped in the bathroom and hit her head on the floor... talk about a series of unfortunate events. So, conveniently our good for nothing maintenance man was already there, so he attempted what he could. Followed by a couple plumbers... professionals. 

Another semi-funny grocery list I found sunday night.
White crackers (as oppose to black ones?)
Chips (from England?)
"Baby, go to the store and get me sum dem fancy chips from England and dem white crackers."

Moving on~ Someone called the store today and asked if there was a fitness gym beside the HWY 49 store. Ummm, I don't know, I don't work at the HWY 49 store. Strange. Google it!

Some of my co-workers and I discussed a few topics yesterday that definitely need to be covered via confessionsofagrocer.
The first one would be (drum roll), common sense. The belt at the register is moving when you walk up, you put your groceries on it, then hold your groceries back as the belt is still sliding because there is a customer in front of you- even if said groceries are the ONLY groceries on the belt. Clearly, I know they are yours if they are the only ones on the belt, you don't have to hoard them. And if I accidentally scan something of yours onto another person's order because you didn't use the divider bar, it's okay... these things can be fixed, don't have a panic attack. Also, ladies, please don't put your purses on the belt-in-motion and then get aggravated because it's moving.

I know it's hard, but we must remember to be considerate to our little grocery girl as well! Do you know how hard it is to pick up a hand fulla' coins on a register belt with no finger nails? I was holding my hand out for you to HAND me the change, don't dump it on the belt. Often I take my sweet little time picking it up just because the rudeness was not needed!

Another issue I have with money is... storage. I do not want to touch money sweaty and fresh from your bra, makes little grocery girl throw up in her mouth. Or, when people lick their fingers to sort out their money- EW! Or grab their MVP card out of their baby's mouth and then hand it to me... I don't like babies as it is, and I certainly don't want any of your baby's slobber germs. My motto for this would be: "couple wet wipes in case a bum try to touch me, EW" -Nicki Minaj


  1. Eww sweaty money full of germs yuck!!!! And ole girl in the bathroom was definitely playing around she fell and the sink fell?!

  2. Michelle, we will never know the truth of the fallen sink!


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