Friday, June 10, 2011

Strange and Unusual

A "regular" elderly customer brought this nifty little figurine in one day... and you KNOW I had to take a picture! He also explained to the Hispanic lady in line behind him exactly what was "in the joint" (which he called "dope" and spoke to her as if she was deaf rather than foreign).

This is a shot gunned beer, for those of you who didn't binge drink your way through college. An elderly lady wheeled in a buggy one morning, approached me and said "GET THAT OUTTA THA BOTTOM'A THERE!!" I had no idea what she was talking about, looked down and saw this laying in the buggy! Hilarious! Somebody straight up either A) broke open a case of this (high class) beer and quickly shotgunned while in the store or B) well there's really not a B, I guess A is the only option here. Now that I think about it, though, it really doesn't surprise me to see this in small town, USA. Every male in this town carries a pocket knife and every male in this town drinks beer. Pocket knife + beer = shot gun success. Although, most prefer PBR or Bud Ice. This little doosey was like a shot of Crown Royal to the consumer, I'm sure!

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