Monday, March 28, 2011

The Enjoyable Customer

Yes, there IS such a thing!

I write about the annoying and insane all the time, so... why not write about the good ones, too? All of our customers are appreciated, although not all of them are gleaming rays of sunshine. We have so many customers that I truly enjoy seeing on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. It is a small town, but it is not where I grew up. So, there are a lot of people that I know only from working at the local grocery store. I know what they purchase, most of their names, and almost all of their life stories. There is always something to talk about in the grocery line with these type of customers, "regulars." And I like that because I like to talk (obviously).

I don't want people who read this to think that I hate working in customer service, because I absolutely don't. I actually, kinda, love it! I love what I do and the people I work with. I love that every day is a different experience for me. And I like to make people happy and solve problems for them! What I don't like is simple... I don't like customers who are rude, disrespectful, and act ignorant for no reason. I am a pleasant person, I give customers absolutely no reason to be ugly to me. Anyway...

When I am out in public as a consumer, I always ask cashiers or retail associates how they are doing, how their day is going, small-talk stuff like that. I've found that you can easily pick out the ones who hate working with the public, and I hate that! Why work in retail if you don't like talking to people? At least get a customer service job answering phones so people can't see the miserable look on your face, jeez.

My advice: be nice to your little grocery girl. She might be your boss one day, you just never know!

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