Monday, March 21, 2011

Where do I start?

So basically...
I know everyone knows what a grocery store is and it's purpose to society. We get it. The company buys thousands of products from vendors and sells those products to the consumer for a REASONABLE cost to make enough profit to keep the lights on and the business alive. Yes, I did say reasonable and did I mention business?

Which brings me to my first rant~ COST.
Please remember... this is a business, not a charity. I'm sure my banner would be tickled pink to give away groceries everyday but they have bills to pay too. Grocery prices rise and fall just like gas prices. It is not necessary to try and negotiate your way through the check-out line people! No need to nag about how high the prices are to your 17-year-old cashier who blows her paycheck at American Eagle every other week. We all have to buy groceries, just be smarter about the way you shop! MVP card helps, I create my whole shopping list based on the weekly circular. Use coupons (but don't get crazy!). Bottom line- your opinion on cost is irrelevant.

Another topic I'd like to address today is The EBT Card (aka food stamps):
Writer's note- I am not against the concept of government assistance to purchase food for yourself and your family. I am not heartless. I am only against those who abuse this privilege.
I wonder if the American government ever feels like a big fat dummy? Certainly it is logical to provide financial assistance to those in need. Did it ever occur to anyone that perhaps maybe this system should be regulated? Maybe, just maybe, margarita and bloody mary mix should not be covered by food stamps (yeah, it really does pay for that). Also, I wonder if these people would really purchase crab legs and steaks on a weekly basis if they paid for it out of their pocket? I can't tell you the last time I bought a $30 bag of crab legs... or any time I bought a $30 bag of crab legs. Maybe I'm so bitter because I see people, daily, who run out of food stamp money in the check-out line and put back edible items so they can purchase better things with their cash... like beer! My opinion (like it matters, I know) is very simple- regulate what people can purchase with food stamps! Want to help prevent obesity in children? Don't provide people with a little card that pays for Oreos, Cocacola, and all the frozen pizzas they can get! If junk was a bare necessity to survival, trust me, they'd find a way to pay for it just like they do with Colt 45 and Marlboro reds! Bottom line- Wake up government (and tax payers), you're being played like a freakin' fiddle.

Again, just my opinion. No biggie!


  1. I wrote to the Randleman Alderman about this and told him it is a HUGE PROBLEM!! I think people with EBT should have to buy STORE BRAND stuff only and water, juice, milk.. no sodas. And hamburger, hotdogs and chicken. Not steaks and freakin crab legs. It pisses me off so bad. Most of the bitches have their nails done and are carrying a nicer purse than me yet I'm ringing up their shit, bagging it, AND paying for it!! The alderman actually wrote me back and said he has no control over it but would pass along my concerns to people that do. Doubt he actually did but it was worth a shot.


  2. I agree, Lauren! Obviously! It really is a huge problem... def needs to be regulated!


Voice your opinion, I can take it!