Monday, October 17, 2011

June-Oct Coverage (Holy Caca)

Okay... I'd like to start by saying I'm super sorry for neglecting my blog for so long. It'll never happen again! I need this therapy.

Backing up to sometime in July-ish?I was proposed with, what would have been, a huge opportunity in my life. In my company, with the economy sucking the way it does right now, it is extremely hard for any of us to promote up to full-time or management position. When the opportunity strikes- it's a battlefield. Sink or swim. Here's my story:
I caught wind at my store that the assistant customer service manager at a store a few miles away had been fired. It wasn't MY store, with MY friends and MY people that I've been surrounding for the past 3&1/2 years. That really turned me off at first. What turned me on? Full-time pay and benefits. I didn't bid at first (a bid in grocery basically means to apply... to put yourself out there for interview). I wanted to wait it out and see what the story was behind the girl that was fired (she use to work with me, so I knew her and wanted to know her story). Well, I went out on a limb anyway and bid on it. The only reason I bid on it was because I was told that there was an office assistant at that store that was already lined up and being trained for that promotion position. "Why not?!" I thought. I'll bid... just to show that I'm trying, just in case something comes open at MY store (that I don't want to leave) so corporate will know I'm serious about promoting. That's why I bid. I bid for my future with the company. Not necessarily because I wanted this particular job so bad. My heart was not ready to leave my store.

To make a rather long story short, I got a call for an interview. I know the CSM, so the interview was very smooth. Short, but smooth. I went in the interview with NO intentions on getting the job... and I by no means tried my hardest! I was wearing holy jeans and rainbow flip flops. My hair was up in a skank roll and I had on a plain tee. I was 10 minutes late (if you know me, this is expected). I talked to the CSM like we were friends... not like she was my prospective boss. Anyway. Like I said- they had already trained someone that worked there to move up... my chances of getting this job were slim.

The next day, around 9pm,  I got a call from the CSM I interviewed with. She told me that I had blown her away... that she had never met an individual like me. I am rare, I am an asset, I am a team player... I am everything she has needed. She said that she picked me for the job. She picked me over the girl she had been training for weeks, the girl that has worked at that store for ELEVEN YEARS. And she picks me?? I pretended to be super excited... and tried to lie to myself that I really was. I knew I needed this promotion. If I was promoted to full-time, it would be so much easier for me to move up from there. She didn't ask me if I accepted the position or not... no choice was given. She told me I was picked and she wanted me and then we decided when I could start. be continued, stay tuned! (it's worth it)

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