Monday, October 17, 2011

Holy Caca (part 2)

So, I got the job. I broke the news to my current CSM and store manager. They were upset because I was leaving, but extremely supportive! Honestly, if it weren't for them being so encouraging- I wouldn't have taken the risk I did. In all actuality, it really wasn't a risk at all. My managers told me that if I didn't like it, they'd take me back any day. I had absolutely nothing to lose!

I worked my last 2 weeks at my store, took a week (paid) off and went to the beach with my boyfriend and friends, and came back home to a brand new reality. I wasn't so much nervous as I was anxious. I had been informed that this new store is a lot different than my old store... come to find out, different means foreign country in grocery term. Everything they did was completely different than the routine I was use to. The only thing that made me feel at home was the fact that they had the same computer system... other than that- nothin'. I didn't even feel like I was working for the same company anymore.

All of the things I learned NOT to do at work- they did. For example- at my store, an 8 hour shift means an hour lunch and 2 ten minute breaks. At this new store- an 8 hour shift means an 8 hour shift. They didn't hardly take lunches and they certainly didn't take many breaks. I made it clear that if they want me to be a pleasant person at work, I need breaks and lunches. I need time away from the atmosphere to refresh myself in those 8 hours.

I felt as if I were in a foreign country, learning a new language. I don't like change like this. I don't really want to mention 99% of the things I saw/experienced there because, well, none of it was standard practice really. What I will say is that I was completely and utterly miserable for the entire duration I was there. 90% of the cashiers/baggers had to be monitored at all times... simply because no one has ever taught them the proper things they need to know. What was especially hard, though, was that I had no introduction to the store. For all they knew, I was just a cashier/office assistant (I was actually their manager). On top of all the other crap that got on my nerves, I didn't feel welcome at all by the front end. There were some people there that were awesome and that I really miss. Oddly enough, most of the only people that I liked there had all worked for my old store manager in the past. They were taught how to do things the right way (old school).
After about a week and a half of all the torture (and crying my eyes out) I could stand, I finally told the CSM that I wasn't comfortable at that store at all and that I wanted to go back to my old store. Go back down to part time, back to part time benefits, but most importantly- back to my family. Oh yeah- did I mention that throughout this "promotion" I didn't get a raise at all? That was really one of the only reasons that I moved. I knew that I wouldn't get a big raise (due to cut backs) but I still knew that I deserved some kind of raise. Technically, I was required some kind of raise but still didn't get it. Whatev. The lesson here is: the grass is NOT always greener on the other side. I'd rather work for FREE than go back to that store again! I didn't care if I was going back down to part-time... get me the heck outta here!

Of course, after it was made public knowledge that I was miserable, I called my old store and they told me to come back whenever I wanted to. I only wish it was that easy. I had to suffer through another 2 WEEKS at that store before I could go back. Well, I didn't HAVE to... but they asked me to, so I did (the good person in me comes out every once in awhile). Ugh, I regretted giving in after like, the second day I told them I was leaving.

So, here I am. Back at my old (wonderful) store again! I'll have to admit- one of the few things that got me through was THIS SONG
. As corny as it is, I love music and it encouraged me to do what I wanted to do. I'm sensitive, okay? Haters gon' hate.

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