Monday, April 25, 2011

Holidays and Backwoods Folk

Every holiday seems to bring out the backwoods folk. You know... those people that you never see in the grocery store until a big time of year is coming up? Christmas and Thanksgiving are notorious for bringing in the backwoods folk. Oh yeah, NASCAR sunday is too! Easter, I thought, would be one of those kind of holidays... it really kind of wasn't. Or maybe I just didn't notice?

I call them "backwoods" simply because I work in a little hick town. Not that my hometown and current city of residence is big city life or anything, but the breed is quite different.

Anyways. Today is Easter sunday and of course, I had to work. I am fine with it because I'm simply use to working on holidays and let me tell ya, it's quite interesting at times. Today was NOT that type of interesting holiday though. Nor was good friday or day before Easter. Nothing all that great happened and there are no crazies to speak of.
A little taste of my weekend:
Friday- BAD friday. Poured rain, busy as crap (since everyone was off work), and one thing after another was happening... or should I say wasn't happening. Moving on.

Saturday- 3:00, I arrive at a peaceful, quiet little grocery store. Ahhhh... one of those days when you can actually hear the music instead of BEEP BEEP BEEP, the shuffling of plastic bags
, and loud talkin' folk.
4:00, Still nothin'. I'm twiddling my thumbs trying to figure out what to do with all of these wide-eyed cashiers, who also have nothing to do.
5:00, What the hell? Did someone advertise free cube steak and PBR? Where did all of these people COME from?
7:00, All stressed out with no one to strangle. I'm babysitting, bagging, overriding, picking up money left and right, loaning money, sending western unions, printing lottery tickets... at this point, I hate my name because it's all I hear over the P.A. Oh and I'm answering the phones: "yes we're open. we close at 10. yes we are open easter sunday as well." Our last customer was around 10:15pm I believe (we closed at 10). Everyone left the store and the only company I had was my ramblin' boss and the 3 tills sitting in front of me that I really didn't want to count.

Sunday- Boring. No backwoods people to entertain me today! Except for 2 exceptionally lovely 30-something men with rebel flag and eagle tattoos, wearing wife beaters and silver chains, came in and raided our Easter baskets and chocolate bunnies. Oh, and beer aisle. And don't forget the Newport shorts in a box. Now that's backwoods!
We were pretty much dead all throughout the day. Some of the choices of purchase today made me chuckle though. I found a grocery list on the floor that stated exactly and I quote: Drain-o, ham, strawburries, hot chicken from deli, toothpaste- by 1 get 1 free.   Strange.

And y'all KNOW something got on my nerves, duh! This weekend it was the infamous "are y'all open on Easter?" Either that, or every other customer coming through saying "I bet you'd rather be somewhere else on this beautiful day!"  Yeah, ya think? Thanks for reminding me, bye now! I had a call from this man on saturday night and here's now it went: Man- "what time do you open tomorrow?" Me- "7am, as usual" Man- "On Easter??" Me- "Yes sir, open at 7 close at 10pm" Man- "Are you kidding?" Me- ".... we never close." Man- "Well I knew that!" I'm thinking... then why'd you call?! When I get old and grumpy, on holidays instead of having a life, I'm actually going to call every establishment in town just to get the facts and see who's open and closing at what time. This town is getting smaller and smaller by the day!

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